We cast and represent talent

No matter the format or shape, we dare to do it all

Team Talent is the place from where we bet on the most important factor of any project:

The people who bring it to life.

There are as many forms of talent as there are kinds of people and we are specialists in 2 things:

  1. Finding the best fit for each case (in both fiction and entertainment), while ensuring an enjoyable and effective casting process.
  2. Represent it in all its forms and take it where it can shine the most.

Marta Moure is our star here, a casting legend who for more than 30 years has been selecting the profiles that transform ordinary ideas into blockbusters. She has an incredible nose for talent and knows the needs of each project to perfection. Plus, she’s cool as a cucumber.




We manage processes adapted to each project. We find diamonds for any format



We are committed to talent in its many forms. Meet our diamonds and their unique edges